Sunday, November 7, 2010

Testing, testing... one... two... three

A symmetry boggles over a snag. Please, this is just a test post only.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Vintage Aprons -- Please vote for me!

One of my crafty little endeavors is creating graphics, and not too long ago I found Spoonflower, which is an online based business where designers such as myself can create our own custom fabrics. HELLO!! Fabrics you say? Why that just happens to be another passion of mine!

Anyway, at Spoonflower there are weekly contests, and this week I have an entry for the "2011 Tea Towel Calendar" contest, so please, please, please go to this link, and click on "Vote for your favorites" then page through until you find my entry titled "2011 Vintage Aprons Tea Towel Calendar by debbiek" (picture is below) and click on my design to cast your vote for it, then page through to the last page (there are 10) and at the bottom left, click on the button that says "I'm done! Save my votes" I have a lot of competition in this contest, and I really need and appreciate all the votes I can get! Thank you so much! :o)

This is the image you will be looking for in the contest entries...

And this is how it looks upright, if you'd like to see without straining your neck! (click on it for a larger, clearer view)

Thanks again for your support! :o)
