Sunday, November 7, 2010

Testing, testing... one... two... three

A symmetry boggles over a snag. Please, this is just a test post only.



Amanda Lee said...

I've been trying to comment on your other blog, but there is a problem with your word verification -- the box where you are supposed to type the word in is missing. Maybe removing word verification would help? This is what I was trying to post:

I'm not even attempting 21 days of organizing, but I applaud you for doing it! I did make some good headway on my closet, and one kitchen cupboard, but that is all. Your chili looks delicious!

Amie Sugat said...

Hey I saw this ebook and thought of you.

I see you havnt posted in 8 months. as my life has slowed down to a somewhat normal pace, i decided to check in on you and see how things were going. Stop by my blog sometimes or send me an email.

actually changing it to a pop up would fix that issue