Saturday, October 16, 2010

May I have the envelope please...

Only 69 days until Christmas! Have you got your cards made yet? I haven't even thought about what I'm going to make this year. I've been obsessed with snowmen the last few years, but I'm leaning towards penguins this year, maybe something simple, such as just the word JOY. There is so much you can do with that simple perfect Christmas word to make such classy cards.

One thing I always have problems with when I make my own cards though, is that I always end up making them in a size that doesn't fit a standard envelope. A lot of my cards end up more square than rectangular. Sure, I can buy squarish (I wondered if that was a real word, but the spell checker didn't have a problem with it!) envelopes, but they add to the cost of the craft, and I have all kinds of paper that would make a much prettier envelope. So I've come across a great video tutorial by Lindsay over at the Frugal Crafter for making your own envelopes using one of my favorite tools -- the Scor-Pal. I honestly don't know how I ever lived before without this essential tool for all of us paper crafters.

Visit Lindsay's Scor-Pal Envy post for the specs needed to suit your own envelope needs. She's got an envelope cheat sheet there with the skinny on making various sizes.

On another note... what is wrong with the word "crafter"? Spell check seems to think it's not legit. Are we who partake in the art of making of crafts not referred to as crafters as well as artists? I do believe we are! So pffttt to you spell checker!


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